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"Humanity has long questioned the origin of life and our universe. Although there are many theories, it is wide belief that everything in the universe, whether the tiniest atom or the massive sun - whether living or inanimate, is comprised of 5 fundamental elements. Wood, fire, earth, water, and metal.
The Elementals are the spirit manifestation of these 5 critical elements. It is believed they were the very first spirits to arise at the onset of the universe’s existence. They each possess specific traits and energy, each powerful in their own right, but each equally fragile without existing together in perfect balance.
The Elementals have long guarded existence’s interconnectivity and have ensured that energy, emotions, humanity, and nature all flow in perfect movement and harmony. Their existence is not without threat and a force has disrupted the balance that has existed since times predating written history. This darkness is unknown, but it is certain that humanity and existence itself is at risk."

The Elementals is a 1/1 NFT art project I have been working on over the last year. Each piece depicts a scene from the world of the Elementals and tells a small part of their story.


Many hours has gone into designing and creating the characters and environments that make up the Elementals world. I am looking forward to sharing their story with you.

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